3 Ways Python Makes Businesses Stronger

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Python is one of the most in demand languages because it is easy to learn, fast to write with, extremely flexible, and well supported. With this language you can make basic scripts, build robust applications, and do deep learning with ML and AI.

In our Python shop alone we have built an app to fly drones that feed data into Machine Learning algorithms on the one hand, and helped a local manufacturers digitize paper processes on the other!

1. Scaling quickly with Python

Go ask a developer why they like to use Python.

Have you done it yet?

You can Google it if you need to.

The reason why devs love this language is because it is easy learn and to use. It “stays out of its own way” and is supported by a strong open-source community with robust documentation. A developer can simply get more done faster with fewer lines of code and can find answers to questions quickly when they get stuck.

The business value here is that you can quickly (an less expensively) bring new products to market or add functionality to the tools you have in place.

For startups and companies building new products, speed to market is critical for success. Utilizing Python in a truly Agile environment will help you quickly build, get user feedback, and quickly bring a product to the market that fits the user needs perfectly without a lot of wasted time and money. Python helps us deliver on our promise to deliver “early and often.”

2. Business Analytics with Python

Analytics Insight has Python ranked as the top language for data science programming in 2020. Whether you are building dashboards and reports, or are working on predictive analytics (Machine Learning) Python has libraries to make your work quick and effective.

Data visualization is a key tool in the business leader’s tool belt – being able to quickly see your company’s performance and make great decisions quickly. For this sort of reporting, Python offers various libraries such as Plotly, Bokeh, or dashboards built in Flask.

Python also has great supporting libraries for predictive analytics and Machine Learning/AI projects such as Tensorflow, NumPy, Pandas, and SciPy. These tools allow for quick, easy data manipulation and prediction.

DLToolsNetwork by Josh Poduska DLToolsNetwork by Josh Poduska

You can take a look at a project we are working on that utilizes Tensorflow here.

3. Automating basic tasks with Python

Do you ever find yourself making the same report over and over again (and spend hours a day doing it)? Maybe you are pushing the limits of Excel on a daily basis. It may be time to let the bots take control of the process.

In general, if you are doing a data heavy job and repeating the same work on a regular basis, you are doing something that a computer can do really well.

Source XKCD


Humans are great at being creative, innovating, thinking outside of the box, so automating away the basic tasks (that you don’t like doing anyway) allows you to get back to the more important parts of your job and advance the skills that make you a great asset for your company.

Let the bot handle the mundane work.

If you need help with your Python project, reach out to us for consultation.

Also take a look at DerbyPy, Louisville’s Python Meetup sponsored and ran by Level 12.

Originally published on 2020-09-03 by Royce Hall

Reach out to us to discuss your complex deployment needs (or to chat about Star Trek)