Checklists and Developer Productivity: Getting Over the Hump

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If you find yourself staring at your screen instead of making progress, try breaking a big problem into smaller ones by using a checklist.

This forces you to plan your work systematically and gives you positive feedback as you complete each task.

Big Problem, Small Tasks

Recently I was working on an update for a new project using a framework I was unfamiliar with. The update was fairly broad in scope.

Progress was slow as I worked to simultaneously assimilate the data model and the unfamiliar, framework-specific code.

After a few days of spinning my wheels, I realized I needed a different approach. I began by splitting the update into a series of subtasks.

I keep project notes in Obsidian, so I created a new document with a simple markdown checklist. I determined what parts of the project to update and added subtasks for each part.

If necessary, I added child tasks under the subtasks for even better granularity. Any notes or questions that needed answering for that subtask were also documented in the list.

Checking it Off

Once I had a checklist, I was able to tackle one piece of the update at a time. Seeing each item checked off in turn was highly motivating.

Like many productivity techniques, dividing tasks into subtasks seems like a no-brainer. My true takeaway is to force myself to reach for these techniques sooner until they become an instinctive part of my mental toolkit.

Originally published on 2025-02-20 by Ben Chopson

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