ETA Transact 17 Recap

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Randy Syring and Adam Robinson attended Transact 17, the annual conference hosted by the Electronic Transaction Association. The event was held at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.

This was the first time members of our team attended this national event for the payments industry. We were encouraged to participate by one of our clients and colleagues in this market. After returning home (which was an adventure, ask me about the next time we talk) and reflecting on our time at Transact 17, I can say without a doubt this was a worthwhile investment for our organization.

Randy, our Chief Executive Director and founder of Level 12, spent much of his time in workshops and presentations learning more about the inner workings of the payments industry. He made some new connections and was able to solidify relationships with some existing connections.

My time was divided between attending presentations about emerging technologies, assessing the market landscape, and connecting with prospective clients. It was a jam-packed three days that yielded valuable connections and information to help us serve the payments industry even better.

The confluence of technology and the financial sector, aka fintech, is changing the way products and services are consumed. Businesses have new digital capabilities to serve their customers in ways they never imagined. As a result consumers’ buying habits and purchase patterns are changing as it becomes easier to interact and buy products and services from their favorite merchants.

Members of our team plan on attending the following payment industry events through the end of 2017:

ETA Transact Tech – June 20, Atlanta
MWAA – July 18-19, Chicago
WSAA – September 27-28, Rancho Mirage, CA
Money 20/20 – October 22-25, Las Vegas

We are excited to be part of this industry and look forward to serving our current and future clients in this space for many years to come.

Originally published on 2017-05-17 by Biz Dev

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