Think First

Most IT Projects Fail. Make Sure Yours Doesn’t.

50-75% of IT projects don’t even make it to the finish line because of poor planning. We’ve seen that fewer actually achieve what they set out to do–bring value.

We believe in implementing what is most valuable, especially when it comes to our clients. A Think First is the first step in that direction.

Projects don't have to fail. Let's make yours succeed.

What is a Think First?

A Think First is a comprehensive, in-depth evaluation. Our CTO-level consultants, each with over a decade of experience, help you with:

A Think First gives you experience-backed, technical understanding to achieve the objectives that are valuable to you.

We’re committed to client empathy and success, so we tailor our approach according to your goals so you get the highest ROI possible.

You’ll get practical and actionable advice from a team that thrives on generously applying their diverse technical knowledge and leadership to your specific situation.

Put our knowledge to work for you–let’s plan your Think First.

Steps to a Think First

A Think First is highly customized to your situation, but typically involves:

1. Meeting with you

  • Of everything we do, learning where you are and where you want to go is most important.
  • We’ll go over pain points organizationally and on a project level.

2. Meeting with your team

  • We’ll meet with team members that are involved in your priorities, whether development, IT, leadership, or non-technical.

3. Research

  • We get our hands dirty. We’ll evaluate your processes and systems, review and analyze codebases, look at existing solutions, or architect new ones.

4. Evaluation

  • We’ll trial out-of-the-box products, do custom mockups, assess your team, or other evaluations depending on your needs.
  • Instead of presenting options, we test solutions so we’re confident they’re feasible.

5. Recommendation

  • You’ll get a plan with our findings and recommendations (with cost estimates!).
  • We don’t only give you a destination, we give you step-by-step directions to get there.

Your Tech Costs You

Whether you use SaaS platforms, develop software, engage an external team, or rely on a network, what you use to get the job done requires you to give something up.

Upfront strategic planning can save money, resources, and time that you can then put to use elsewhere. A Think First makes sure that spent resources are an investment in your business, not just a line item on your expense sheet.

Your Tech Requires Risks

Informed decisions can make or break business directions. The more information you have, the more likely you’ll be steered in the right direction or avoid the wrong one. Often, the right direction lies in asking the right questions.

We can uncover critical information, new options, and possible solutions that wouldn’t have been found otherwise. We can proactively identify potential issues and develop a plan to account for them.

Your Tech is Worth It

Your stack, processes, and teams are the backbone of your company. They’re worth investing in, refining, and taking the time to get right.

They’re worth an expert opinion and discerning evaluation. You’ll realize immediate value and set your organization, people, and systems up for immense future success.

Your organization should work for you, not against you–contact us to start your Think First evaluation.

Reach out to us to discuss your complex deployment needs (or to chat about Star Trek)